Hello my fantasy loving friends!
People have been asking when book 3 in the RISE series (title is going to be RIVAL) will be released. I haven’t given a definitive answer yet because I don’t have an official release date but I will say it’s coming summer 2019.
I had hoped to have it out Mid-May since my goal is to release every 3 months but if you didn’t already know I’m 7 months pregnant and it’s been hard on me mentally and physically. Baby boy will be here in June!
Just as with my last pregnancy I get the scary sensation that I am going to pass out/ faint for no apparent reason randomly throughout the day! (docs say its the way the baby sits) My body goes weak, it feels as though the energy is being drained from my arms and legs first, then a really uncomfortable feeling in my stomach and if I don’t hurry and lie down I start seeing white spots in my vision.
Last pregnancy I didn’t know what was happening and blacked out, fell off the bed and landed on my face. I woke up to my husband saying my name over and over, laying face down in the carpet unsure how I got there.
Just so you know both my babies while in utero were and are perfectly healthy. It’s just hard on me.
Sometimes it’s even difficult for me to sit up and write on the computer. I’ve been working on book 3 mostly on my phone because then I can lay on my side but to be open and honest my creativity is down because I feel so unlike myself.
I am working on the book but at a much slower pace than usual and I miss days when I’m feeling a little gloomy. I also have a 2 year old who needs lots of attention.
Anywho, I’m trying to stay positive, counting down the weeks until he arrives. 9 weeks left unless he comes early.
While waiting for book 3, I have a recommendation for you. I’m reading the Warrior Chronicles books by KF Breen, and it’s bomb! I’m on book 2. Chosen is the first in the series and they are in Kindle Unlimited.

Have a great day!
JM Kearl
Written by : J.M. Kearl
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It’s nice to hear about the behind the scenes! I’m so pumped for Rival!