Hello, my friends! I’m home from vacation and back with the weekly update. Florida was such a great time. We went to Disney World with the kids, not gunna lie, they didn’t have the best time. Magic Kingdom was sold out for the entire two weeks we were there so we went to Disney Hollywood.
The Star Wars area was super cool but the lines were too long and the kids too little to ride much of anything. My daughter wanted to see princesses and there was a play for Beauty and the Beast but that was about it. I think my daughter wasn’t feeling well and my son is too young to do much.
However, we had a great time at Clearwater beach! It’s such a beautiful place, white sand, warm blue water, and lots of shopping and places to eat.
The seagulls are aggressive there, one tried to snatch food right out of my unsuspecting Uncle’s hand haha.
We collected seashells, ate burgers on the beach, sipped on diet Dr. Pepper (the only soda I drink) and played in the water.
Universal studios was amazing. My mom watched the kids so we were free to run wild like back in the old days! :) we had express passes and went on almost every ride, drank frozen butterbeer, ate ice cream from Diagon Alley (it was the best chocolate ice cream I’ve ever had) rode the Hogwarts Express and more! My favorite ride was the Velocicoaster in the Jurassic Park area. It was a blast, super smooth, lots of twists and dips, and fast!
It was nice too just to hang out by the pool at our AirBnb and soak up the sun. As I’ve stated, this Idaho winter has been long and cold and I truly needed the sunshine. I sat out every morning before the kids woke up and watched the sunrise and listened to soothing music.
Many mornings I also read through what I’ve written on Elf Queen 3 making edits and finding joy in the story again.
I finished my read through and started writing again yesterday! Progress! My goal is to finish the draft in 3 weeks and then let my beta readers have a go at it and then I’ll do more edits.
I keep saying I’m shooting for a June release and I still hope to do that, but it will be late June if I make it.
I keep getting asked about beta reading and how you can do that for me. I have a small beta team of 5, two are editors. I don’t open my beta team up to a lot of people because I can’t have too much conflicting feedback or too many opinions. I also usually make extensive edits from feedback and I know a lot of readers want a more polished copy that doesn’t have big changes.
I will open up book 3 for ARCs (advanced reader copy) and this means it won’t need any major edits but there could be some minor errors like typos. Copies will be limited, you must have already read and reviewed the first two books AND you have to have loved the first two. My assistant checks and reads all the reviews from applicants.
I want to give early copies to people who enjoy my books, not people who think they’re mediocre or don’t even like them. I’m not sure why those readers want an early copy to begin with. In my opinion, an ARC is a privilege.
And I also assume if you’re a fan you won’t take the copy and upload it to pirate sites. (I’ve seen that happen to other authors.)
This is just the way I do it. I know some authors give ARCs out to whoever applies. Neither is wrong.
Ooooo I have character art I’m going to reveal this week! I’m so excited to show you all. It’s a beautiful art of the flower crown scene! I’ll have prints available in my shop soon, I just have to wait for them to arrive in the mail.
Alright that’s it for this week! I hope everyone is doing great!

Written by : J.M. Kearl
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Always love the updates! So glad you guys got to come visit!❤️
I just finished Bow the Elf Queen. It was hard to catch my breath. I downloaded the next book before I finished. I’m so excited to start the next. Your writing is so lush and vivid. These characters feel like friends to me, now. I have to see what happens next. Thank you for your wonderful imagination.
So wonderful to hear that!
I would love to be one of the ARC’s, I literally read the first book of the Elf queen when I received my kindle for my birthday December 31,2022. By March of 2023, I had already read all of your books and I’m not only anxiously waiting for book 3 but I hope to see the sky crown book 2 come to life, as this was the last of your books I read. Hoping I get more of allied kingdoms as a spin off or something but that’s just me being a pain… lol because i just love your stories. Please tell me how i can leave a review for your books to have a chance at this.
hi! you just need to leave a review on Amazon!
I loved every second of the first two books in the elf queen series! I would give my left arm for an ARC hahaha Your writing is amazing! I can’t wait to read book 3! Just writing this to tell you that you’ve gained another huge fan. Thank you for your contribution to the world of imagination. 💓 I’ll be waiting impatiently for the release of book 3 😅
Thanks for reading! I’m so happy you’re enjoying my books!
Hi! How do I apply for an ARC I’m a toddler mom with Covid and your books are the only thing keeping me sane. Please please please let me apply. Thank you for being amazing.
I will post a link for applications when its time!