Helloooo my bookish friends! I took a little break this month. Fate Calls the Elf Queen (Book 3) is still with my editor so I didn’t have much to update on, though I should have it back in the next few days and I can’t wait to work on the edits!
I’ve set a tentative release date of September 26th (if all goes well in the next few weeks) and I’ll put up the preorder in a few weeks!
I will do a cover reveal for book 3 when I put up the preorder. I also have an art reveal coming soon!
I know this update is a lot of ‘this is coming soon” but that’s all I have right now haha.
The Bookish Box edition of Bow Before the Elf Queen is sold out, but they did announce Long Live the Elf Queen edition coming. Keep an eye out for the on sale date because I anticipate they will sell out fast.
This month I started a new book in the same world as Elf Queen. It is set in Adalon but in the human lands of Svenarum, which is where Layala grew up. When I get further on it I’ll tell you more!
I didn’t want to work on book 4 in the Elf Queen series just yet because if I change anything major in book 3 it will affect book 4.
The audiobook for Fate Calls will come out later than the hardback, paperback, and kindle. The narrators aren’t able to start on it until October so I’m guessing it will be ready to go around December but hopefully sooner.
I hope you’re all having a wonderful summer. I’ve certainly been enjoying mine. I got to go see Morgan Wallen in concert, my favorite music artist! I was right by the stage and had such a great time! Lots of swimming and fun in the sun with the family and evening walks. Going on our nightly walks are one of my favorite things to do as a family.
Also a fellow author friend of mine SM Gaither just released her final book in the Shadows and Crowns series!! Fantasy romance I know you all like!! Here is the link to check it out https://www.amazon.com/Queen-Dawn-Shadows…/dp/B0BW9W3SWP

That’s all for now!
JM Kearl
p.s. some pretty pictures of my books in case you missed it on social media this week.

Written by : J.M. Kearl
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Well, my only regret in reading this series is that I didn’t wait to start it until book three is out!
I am dying to know what happens next!
I demolished the first two books in two days and now I’m stuck with quite a book hangover.
I have been sucked in from the very first page, and have never been bored. What a fun, fantastical, exciting ride. I love the world you have built, the characters, the plot…. Just true artistry from start to finish.
Will there be a fourth book for the elf queen series’s?