Hello again my friends! It’s that time again. This week has been great! It’s finally warm in east Idaho! Wahoo. Forecast: 75 and sunny! Y’all don’t even know what this does for my mental health lol. Mood: high vibes.

Now that the weather is warm, we’re going to clean out our garage and set up a home gym inside. I don’t know if you know this but I used to be a total gym rat until I got pregnant with my second child.

My pregnancy was hard, then I got an extreme case of postpartum depression, and stopped working out. I always feel so much better about myself when I move, sweat and push my body. I do walk on my treadmill and do some light workouts at home but it’s not quite enough.

Strength training does a lot for my energy and confidence so I’ll be back to lifting weights again. I have had a gym membership but the obstacle of getting myself there seems to be a problem lol.

The best way to start good habits is to make it as easy as possible to start.

Anyway, onto the writing progress. It’s been a good week. Lots of me daydreaming scenes and writing! I’m almost to the climax of the book eeek! And my sister is about to start reading it to give me some feedback, she always makes it just that much better. She’s my longest fan, been there since the OG days.

All signed hardbacks and art prints went out a few days ago and will hopefully be arriving at your doorsteps in the next week. If you wanted a signed copy and didn’t get one because they sold out fast, I’ll do another signed copy drop in the next month or two. I do have paperbacks coming as well and will get them listed in time.

I ordered some new Elf Queen merch and if I like the items I’ll share them with you all to see if you want them too.

Anyway, that’s it for this week. I hope everything is well for you!


Written by : J.M. Kearl

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  1. Teresa Ducote May 7, 2023 at 7:53 pm - Reply

    Loved the first two can’t wait to finish it!

    • J.M. Kearl May 28, 2023 at 7:36 pm - Reply

      Thank you!

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