Hello, hello! I hope you’re all doing great! This week, in case you missed it, I got Tifapine art/stickers and she is the cutest! From the holes in her boots to her tiny red hat, she’s our perfect little Tif. And I’m sure she’d be elated to know that people want her stickers lol.

The berries are inspired from her fight with the pixie and saying “these be blood berries.”

I had a book club interview with Bailey Chadwick this week. She’s @yodagirl1138 on Tiktok, and she’s hilarious and has good book recs. It was fun chatting with her and her group. Stop by her page and give her a follow!

If you’re a guy I’m sure this next bit has absolutely no interest to you, so maybe just skip on ahead lol.

So I read/listened to this new book called Fast Like A Girl and it’s all about fasting around hormones. I think I may have updated you all in the past but my hormones were all wacky and I had to get iron infusions, and to be honest I haven’t felt the same since I had my son three- nearly four years ago. The weight hasn’t come off, my energy levels are all over the place and so is my mood.

Anyway, I listened to this book about fasting and eating certain ways depending on where you’re at in your cycle. For example, fasting shouldn’t be done the week before the period and as a woman you need more carbs during this time as well or it can wreak havoc on your hormones, hair can thin, thyroid issues– and more. But a good time to intermittent fast is during the first week of your cycle and at this time you should eat more healthy fats like coconut oil, avocados etc and eat less carbs. It has everything to do with estrogen and progesterone and much too complex for me to explain lol.

I thought I’d give it a try this week and I’ve already lost 3lbs and feel a bit better even though I have a cold. It’s actually been easy to fast longer this week too because I’ve found I’m not really that hungry and eating more fats keeps me fuller. My cravings are also minimal.

Anyway, it’s one to check out if you’re interested. I’ll link it HERE

Elf Queen 3

Writing this week was… alright. I thought I’d have more words written. Poopity poop poo (this is me cursing lol). I’m at about 88k total. So only about 8k words were written this week. I gotta step up my game. Next week I’m going for a minimum of 15k words. I can do it. I want to have this first draft written by the end of April. *sweats little*.

I have a question and I’ve asked before but since there are more in the group now I’ll ask again. How do we feel about spice? Was the bathtub scene in book 2 sufficient? Just right? I get bombarded with people who want more spice but I don’t want it to overtake others who don’t say anything. (as a reader I’m a smut skimmer/skipper so there’s that haha)

I’ve considered writing spicy extras to download, like an extended scene in the ruins from book one but it would still be more what I’d call steamy rather than explicit spice. But I’ve been on the fence about that too because I don’t want to be expected to write an extended spicy scene for every one that isn’t detailed lol. I’m interested in your thoughts!


Written by : J.M. Kearl

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  1. Mia Cochenour March 1, 2023 at 6:23 pm - Reply

    I would say like 1-2 more spicy scenes but also not sure how that would even happen given the cliffhanger from book 2. I enjoyed the writing despite it being less spicy than the books I normally read so just do you❤️

    • J.M. Kearl March 5, 2023 at 6:52 pm - Reply

      Thank you! I’m glad to hear that.

  2. Teresa March 10, 2023 at 2:06 am - Reply

    I don’t like to read overly explicit smut. I’m fine with a good ole “fade to black”/leave it up to imagination or a couple of steamy scenes. Some books focus too much on sex and not enough on the plot.

  3. Kait March 12, 2023 at 1:17 am - Reply

    new reader here!! i’ve fallen so in love with this series, i’m now a HUGE fan. personally, i can’t read too into smut either. too much for my brain to process lol. i think the way you’ve been writing it is perfect, just the right amount of detail and not too explicit and that’s awesome you’d offer that on the side for readers who do enjoy it. i’m beyond excited for Fate Calls to release, is it available for preorder at all?

    • J.M. Kearl March 12, 2023 at 7:36 pm - Reply

      Hi. No Fate isn’t up for preorder yet. I haven’t chosen an exact release date yet and I don’t want to until I’m at least done with the first draft of the book. I don’t want to feel pressured to release it if its not ready.

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